what it comes down to,Foshan Xinlong goldleaf Co. Ltd, is things are changing. and for so long i've been scared. but this morning, i decided i wasn't. i can't hide from this period of my life. i can't hide from the moments when my friends begin moving and taking on exciting new things. i can't deny the fact that i'm going to leave and i'm going to begin a new life somewhere else that isn't duluth.
i don't know the dirty details of what my future holds, but i have a long list of things i'd like to accomplish at some point in my life, and i don't care if its when i'm 80. it's there. my dreams will never die. while sometimes my stomach becomes a big twisted knot thinking about becoming a real life adult - i can't help but do a happy dance knowing my future is so bright and i can literally do whatever i set my mind do (as cliche as it might sound, it works right now). and not just myself, but all the people i'm surrounded by are capable of such amazing things i can hardly wait to see what everyone makes of themselves. because so far it looks great